Episode #1 What Is The Science & The Sacred?

Welcome to the Science from the Sacred. I'm your host Sinead Brophy and in this podcast, will cover both the physiology. And the spirituality, what it means to be a cyclical being, I'd love to invite you my health conscious and spiritually, curious, friend to dive deep with me, as we embrace the power of cyclical self-care nourish, our minds

bodies and souls

Welcome to episode 1 of the science in the sacred. I'm Sinead Brophy.

I'm the founder of go with the flow coaching and the founder of this fabulous podcast. So I'm a women's well-being and menstrual cycle coach and basically what I do is help women become healthy, happy balanced humans. How do I do that? I do that kind of, through a range of different things. So through yoga and mindfulness through understanding, how to track their menstrual cycle, they do move in a way that actually supports a nourishes, their body, and how to eat foods. That feel feels good for them and support their body.

Their help their well-being. I'm very much not a base All or Nothing approach is to welding. I'm very much about finding balance finding a way that works for you and works for the individual because I truly believe that we all actually have the capacity to

support our own health and well-being without the need for diets crazy pills. You know, crazy regimes, I actually think that we have the power and strength within us and everything that we need within us and it's purely my job and the role of other coaches to help facilitate you in finding what that is for you. So, why did I create a podcast? I know there's a million and one different podcast.

Eight there. And I actually created a podcast for a couple different reasons. So one I actually just wanted to share my ethos and my Approach and which is this blending of a morph in a spiritual self care and cyclical, South para practice, with I guess more kind of traditional health and well-being approaches the, the kind of science side of things. You know, the science of how will stress Forex and her body to science of how we track our menstrual cycles, the science of how you know, exercise and nutrition nourishes. Our body

I wanted to create a podcast that was for people like me. Because when I started out in this industry, I say that there was kind of two extremes. So people who were very much into female Health from an athlete point of view, from an elite athlete point of view, and then people who were very much attuned, to the spiritual side of things very much living, kind of Off the Grid, let's say and embracing that brain missed. Go away of living where I for one intend to have one foot in both camps. I love strength training.

I love lifting heavy. I you know, really enjoy understanding the science of how these things work in our body but I'm also very spiritual. I really enjoy meditation. I really believe that there's something else out there, whether it's Universe Source, God, goddesses God's plural, or Daly's Peril. And I really think there's power in learning to trust your intuition and connect. In with that, I guess less tangible part of of you and who you are.

So, I wanted to create a space where I could share this kind of mishmash of information. That I think really goes towards helping people become whole individuals and feel all aspects and support all aspects of themselves. I also thought of talking to people. So, anyone, who knows, me knows that I love to chat. I recognize that there are so many incredible people, women specifically. But, you know, people out there who just know so much.

Much and do so much to help other. Women are other cyclical beings feel good and step into their pirate. So I wanted to create a space where basically I get to pick their brains about what they do and why they do it and how what they do can help other people. So yeah, that's really why I wanted this space. So I if you're here and you listen to this first episode, I'm so delighted that you decided

to join me on this journey. Hey, I'm planning for the podcast, Ron and full disclosure. I'm a change this, but at the moment,

Is really really good for me. It's


three episodes a month and we'll focus on a particular theme for that month and I'll do two episodes and then the third episode will be

speaking to someone who works and is an expert in this particular area. That's my general structure for the program and the kind of topics that we're going to cover is going to be very, very, very so it's going to be menstrual cycle tracking from a physical point of view. Menstrual cycle awareness for more a spiritual point of view.

You know, the energetic body Yoga practices and we'll be talking about pregnancy postnatal, we'll be talking about training and specifically, you know, exercising as a woman or someone assigned female at Birth will be looking at nutrition as well. So I'll make sure to get nutrition Saint here to talk about different specific areas. So yeah we're basically covering all areas of health and well-being and again for anyone who hasn't maybe worked with me before I tend to structure my coaching in what I

Four pillars of women's well-being and knocks move your body nourish your body tracker cycle, and soothe your soul. And in my opinion, I think so much of what we can do to build a really, really solid foundation for our health and well-being always within these four pillars, or these four buckets. Again, it's my opinion, that if one of these is missing, we're not going to have a solid foundation, we're going to feel unsteady. We're going to feel like something's missing and we're probably going to burn age and get sick and not really be living in our kind of full full optimized self, not that we can be off.

My eyes all the time but that weren't, you know, we're not feeling good all the time and that's I've been there. I really don't want you to be there. I'm sure you've been there yourself but the aim of the game is to try and move us into a state of where we're going to ebbing and flowing in this lovely Middle Ground rather than swinging wildly from one extreme to the other. So those four pillars is, will help guide the content that I'll be talking about on this podcast. I will be going into more detail on these four pillars pillars and episode 3 which is a quick kind of introduction of what they are. So move, your body is really

Intuitive movement, understanding, how to auto regulate when you're training to make sure that you're managing your training load, why it's important to move. You know, exercise resistance training yoga, get outside for a walk, all of that stuff to help support our physical body. So again, it relates that physical body element, nourish your body. Then again, also linked to the physical body, this is very much. I am a firm believer in a more intuitive and intuitive eating and gentle nutrition approach.

To nutrition course. We need to understand the basics of, you know, macronutrients and micronutrients. What we need to be flourishing and thriving within our body. However, I really try to stay away from extremes. So we'll be talking about, you know, this area of nutrition. We will also be talking to people about eating disorders and disordered eating by myself, hadn't any sort of growing up and struggled with disordered eating after the fact. So it's something that's quite close to my heart and I really think a lot of us do struggle with this sort disordered eating and also disordered exercising and

Don't realize it. So, I'll be creating a safe space for us to bring up those conversations and to kind of invite people on to talk about those topics as well. And then when it comes to tracking your cycle, this is cut two elements to it. So there's obviously the physiological element of tracking that I spoke about. So understanding, what's happening physically in our body, understanding our physiology, understanding or hormones, hope that shows up in our cycle, and but it kind of also overlaps with I guess the soothe your soul that more spiritual side where we'll talk.

Talk about menstrual cycle awareness cyclical living really living in sync with the energy and understanding the our energy changes for us over our menstrual cycle. And then we'll also be talking about things, you know, pregnancy and postnatal related. We're taught me talking about fertility, will be talking about all of that, good stuff. Amenorrhea PCOS will be getting on different people to spot. Talk about those topics in particular and then when it comes to soothe your soul, that's really everything to do with Stress Management wreathing. You know, living a I guess, fulfilled life

The spiritual side is get as well so like, you know, tracking with me. And anyone, who knows me knows that I'm obsessed Moon tracking with the seasons of the year, will be dipping in and out of human design and bit of astrology because I'm totally obsessed. Um, design at the moment. So, really just kind of building in all these different pieces. And what I'm hoping for you is that you'll be able to pick and choose what episodes resonate the most with you. And perhaps, I might be able to, I guess open your minds to things that you maybe didn't consider before where you haven't heard of. So,

that's really everything that I'm going to be covering. I'm really super excited to get started and you know, I always love to hear from you guys. So please feel free to get in touch. If you have a suggestion for an episode, or something that you'd like me to discuss or a person you'd like me to invite on please, please send them on. I'd be absolutely delighted and you can get in contact with me on my Instagram. So go with the flow coaching, my website is also go with flow, coach and.com and you can drop me a mail at go with the flow coaching

So I'd absolutely love to hear from you. All of those links are going to be below in the in the show notes as well, but do get in touch, say hi and I can't wait to get started with you all.

Creators and Guests

Sinead Brophy
Sinead Brophy
Owner of Go With The Flow Coach and Producer and Host of The Science and the Sacred
Episode #1 What Is The Science & The Sacred?
Broadcast by