All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 8 of 8 in total

Episode #8 Mari Kennedy & The Celtic Wheel

Welcome to Episode 8 of The Science & The SacredIn this episode, I speak to Mari Kennedy, an Irish Celtic Wisdom Weaver and founder of The Next Stage Celtic Wheel - a ...

Episode #7 What is Cyclical Wisdom & Cyclical Living

Welcome to Episode 7 of The Science & The SacredIn this episode, I talk about Cyclical Wisdom - what it is and how it can help us connect with ourselves and the world ...

Episode #6 Interview with Kitty Maguire

Welcome to Episode 6 of The Science & The SacredIn this episode I speak to Kitty Maguire, Menstrual Mentor and space holder, about how she got into the field of Menstr...

Episode #5 My Experience with Ectopic Pregnancy - Part 2

Welcome to Episode 5 of the Science & The SacredIn this episode, I speak about the range of emotions I have been going through after having an ectopic pregnancy and wh...

Episode #4 My Experience With Ectopic Pregnancy

Welcome to Episode 4 of the Science & The SacredIn this episode, I talk about ectopic pregnancies and my own experience of going through one. In part 2 (the next episo...

Episode #2 How I Became A Womens Well Being Coach.

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Science & The SacredWelcome back, I hope you enjoyed episode one and are excited to listen to all the great content we will be covering.In ...

Episode #3 The Four Pillars Of Womens Well-being

Welcome to Episode 3 of The Science & The SacredMy first guest on The Science & The Sacred will be….me. Surprise!In today’s episode, I cover my coaching approach : The...

Episode #1 What Is The Science & The Sacred?

Show Notes - Ep 1Welcome to Episode 1 of the Science & The SacredI’m Sinead Brophy, a Women’s Wellbeing & Menstrual Cycle Coach.I wanted to create a platform where I g...

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